Pat Fahey
Incumbent, Position #3
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Incumbent, Position #3
Growing up in Grants Pass, I’ve always considered the library as one of Josephine County’s lesser-known jewels. As a child, I saw the library as my window to a wider world. It was a safe and trusted place to meet and get valuable assistance from the reference staff on school or business projects.
As an adult, I was taken aback when Josephine County closed the libraries for lack of funding. That’s why I became involved in resurrecting our libraries, first as an independent non-profit organization and ultimately as a self-governing library district, committed to serving ALL the citizens of Josephine County.
Being a grandparent now, one of my greatest pleasures is watching my two grandsons peruse through the children’s library looking for books, mostly dinosaur books. They are home-schooled and love our library so much that they donated half the proceeds from their lemonade stand on the Chamber of Commerce’s Lemonade Day, to be used for dinosaur books, of course.
Those boys are just two of my reasons to continue my service on the Josephine Community Library District Board. I want to ensure these boys and all the children of Josephine County have safe place to explore that wider world.
So, I ask for your vote to help me keep that window open, help me grow the library so it can remain that reflection of our community that we can all be proud of.
I’m honored to be endorsed by James Lowe, Libraries for Our Community PAC, and People for Oregon Libraries PAC.